Интернет-магазин снаряжения для дайвинга и подводной охоты. Санкт-Петербург
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Регуляторы Tusa Platina RS-110 и RS-130

Информация для пользователей регуляторов TUSA PLATINA RS-110 и RS-130

TABATA has found during its inspection process that the dimension of a certain metal part used for the first stage of TUSA PLATINA regulator, RS-110 and RS-130, did not meet TABATA’s design standard. After a thorough study of its production procedures, TABATA has determined that there is very little possibility that the products which have already been sold contain such an out-of-standard part. However, keeping with TABATA’s high customer satisfaction standards, we have decided to replace all the relevant regulators with brand new ones including the second stages free of charge, since TABATA can not deny the possibility at 100%. This is a voluntary solution by TABATA to ensure the absolute maximum enjoyment of your TUSA diving experience.

TABATA will contact directly all consumers who have returned a warranty card to TABATA.

TABATA sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience which this may cause and would highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation for quick collection of the products in question.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Richard Skelly, technical manager of Tabata USA Inc. at 1-800-521-8872 or click here.


RS-110 and RS-130 with Champaign Gold Plating

Serial Numbers:

  • LR 00001~08000
  • LS1 00001~00140

RS-110 and RS-130 with Chrome Plating are NOT in question.


  1. The replacement will be Chrome Plating (not Champaign Gold Plating).
  2. First stages pictured below are chrome plated.

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